Teaching and learning

We are psyched to be back on the road teaching and learning.  Here is a sample of our recent and upcoming travels:


+ Nikki just got back from New Profit ‘s 2011 Gathering of Leaders in Miami with some of the nation’s pre-eminent entrepreneurs and investors in the social innovation field.


+ We are co-teaching a day-long training program for corporate practictioners on “Maximizing Signature Cause Programs” with the Association for Corporate Contributions Professionals. This session is hosted by Bank of America in NYC and only open to ACCP members, but please let us know if you’d like to attend.

+ As a Board Member, I am thrilled to celebreate the 20th Anniversary of Boston Cares at Fenway.


+ Join our breakout sessions on “CSR Innovation” and “Integrating CSR into Business Strategy” at the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship Annual Conference in Minneapolis.

+ We’ll be learning the latest about pressing workforce and heath/wellness-related issues at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Business Civic Leadership Center’s (BCLC) National Conference on Corporate Community Investment in Philadephia.


+ Risa will be at the Microfinance USA Conference in NYC expanding her expertise in this rapdily growing arena.

+ Nikki loves participating in the Progressive Business Leaders Network’s (PBLN) Annual CEO Summit in Washington, DC to gain valuable insight into current and emerging public policy issues.


+ We could not start Summer without celebrating the evolution of cause at the Cause Marketing Forum Annual Conference in Chicago.

+ We haven’t committed yet, but have heard great things about the Sustainable Brands Conference in Monterrey, CA.  Let us know if you’ve been to this conference.


Please tell us where else you’ll be this Spring.

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