In a three-part Forbes series, Engage for Good President David Hessekiel gleans words of wisdom on social impact strategy from experts within the CSR space. To capture insight from these renowned leaders, David prompted the question “What is a question you are frequently asked by clients about creating positive corporate social impact and, in brief, what advice are you giving them?”
Cause Consulting’s Mark Feldman appreciated the opportunity to be included in David’s series—read Mark’s advice below and find the full Forbes article here.
Mark Feldman, Managing Director, Cause Consulting:
“Developing an authentic point of view (POV) around complex ESG issues is an essential component to leading and driving impact. Your POV should be deeply rooted in knowledge of your issue, its surrounding context, and how your actions can foster change. Architecting a robust Impact Model informs your POV and guides the creation of substantive programs that demonstrate your commitment. With a unique perspective and initiatives in place, you’re ready to rally stakeholders with inspiring calls-to-action and tangible, human-focused stories of impact.”
To learn more about the importance of developing a point of view and tools to help you craft your perspective, check out this post on Harnessing the Power of Social Impact Modeling.