This week we’ll formally launch our new website.  Now that our version 3.0 is up, we’ve forced ourselves to pause, reflect and take the time to read our own stuff.   Wow, we’ve covered a lot of ground.  We are truly grateful for the gift of being able to work with and learn from so many amazing clients, colleagues and friends.  Each week as the corporate responsibility field evolves, we find ourselves engaged in even more new and exciting work.  We are lucky!

As I step back to reflect, it is clear that what we do continues to be more relevant and important.  Our progression from strategic signature programs, to corporate responsibility, to social innovation mirrors the maturation and expansion of our field.  We are fortunate to work inside of some of the world’s most respected companies and brands and help them harness their resources toward creating both business and social value.  It has been amazing to see how social impact-related ideas rally diverse groups of employees and consumers to action, and impact.  This is how change happens.

We are on an exciting journey.  We hope you’ll continue to travel with us, visit our website often, and provide your point of view…  OK, so much for reflection.  Back to work.  We are now off to create the cool content for website versions 5.0 and 6.0…  Please join us. For updates on where we are and what we’re up to, follow us on Twitter @causenation.

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