From new research on the role of purpose at work, to Fortune Magazine releasing their “Change the World” List, below are the headlines that caught our attention in August.
How CDC Report Documents America’s Weight Crisis (Triple Pundit)
The latest CDC study further documents the national public health crisis that is obesity. Among the Baby Boomer generation, 72 percent of men and 67 percent of women are overweight or obese.

Fortune Magazine Announces Their “Change the World” List (Fortune)
Fortune released its “Change the World” list, highlighting the top 50 companies that are doing well by doing good. Companies that made the list include Unilever, CVS Health, Starbucks, LinkedIn and Johnson & Johnson. See the full list here.
New Poll Shows Millennials Prefer Companies That Give to Charity (Fortune)
Millennials are more likely than Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers to say it matters if American businesses give back to society, according to a new poll conducted by Morning Consult for Fortune.
5 Fascinating Stats Show Purpose Transforming Work (Inc. Magazine)
Imperative released their 2016 Workforce Purpose Index highlighting key research on the growing role of purpose at work. Findings indicate that purpose leads to heightened levels of performance and engagement in the workplace.

DICK’S Sporting Goods Debuts New Team USA Campaign (Cause Marketing Forum)
Charity: Water is Now Taking Donations via Facebook Messenger (Fast Company)
The Startup Trying to Give Millions of People Access to Organic Food (Inc. Magazine)
Check It Out: Home Depot Reverses Homelessness (Strategy Online)