The following is the first in a series of excerpts from materials presented by Mark Feldman at the Employee Engagement workshop session at the 2014 Cause Marketing Forum (CMF) in Chicago. The interactive session brought together businesses, agencies and non-profits to discuss the strategies behind cause-focused employee engagement programs. Here are some quick tips and key lessons for those not able to attend.
Engaged employees believe in and work on behalf of their organization’s goals. They are ‘in the game’ and enthusiastic about what they do. Creating a meaningful socially-focused engagement strategy for employees takes time and effort. Consider the following strategic questions throughout the planning and execution process:
1. AUDIENCE – What employee segments are you seeking to engage?
2. INTEGRATION – How can this build upon a company’s existing cause, CSR and brand strategies?
3. ISSUE – On which business-relevant social issue(s) can employees make a measurable difference?
4. IMPACT – What is the measurable difference you want to achieve?
5. SKILLS – What unique skills, experiences and assets can your employees bring?
6. ACTIVITY – What specific individual and group actions can your employees take?
7. CALL-TO-ACTION – What thematic message will inspire and rally your employees to participate?
8. ACTIVATE – What systems, partners and communication are needed to execute?
Click here for a copy of the more detailed Employee Engagement Factsheet that was handed out during the workshop.
Read more from the CMF14 session in our following blogs: